Hailey Taylor, girls soccer
Senior soccer goalkeeper Hailey Taylor knows how to communicate. In the closing minutes of the Lady Giants’ 3-1 win over Tiffin Columbian Saturday, Taylor was in constant communication with her defenders, aiding in their positioning and making sure the ball didn’t approach her net. She can also communicate quite well off the field as well, making an ideal choice for Getting to Know…
Favorite class in school?
I like calculus right now and my AP chem class. I like my chemistry class a lot. It’s interesting to do labs and stuff, it’s interactive, and I like that kind of stuff and see how it works for yourself.
Pet peeve?
When people whistle. That drives me insane. I can hear them from miles away.
What TV show or movie do you refuse to watch?
Any horror movie. I refuse. When I was like 12, I watched one and I had nightmares, I could not sleep the rest of the night and now I refuse. I have not watched one since.
What is your biggest fear?
When other people are driving, I get scared we’re going to crash. I’m a backseat driver. That’s my biggest fear that someone else is going to crash. (Turns to nearby teammate Sophie Collison) Don’t I, Sophie, I freak out when other people are driving?
Collison: Yeah you do.
If you were Fremont Ross principal for a day and make any rule, for a day or for all time, what would it be?
I think we should not have to wear uniforms. I hate the uniforms. I don’t even mind the pants, (but) the tops. I’d rather wear t-shirts, like Fremont Ross spirit wear or whatever. If we can do that, I’d be good.
College plans?
I want to major in actuarial science.
What is actuarial science? I’m going to have to Google how to even spell it. (Editor’s Note: I did Google it.)
It’s taking facts and stats from the past to calculate the future. Like a lot of businesses use it in their marketing. You know how insurance companies are like ‘Males between 16-to-20 are most likely to get into a car wreck’ That stuff.
What makes you want to do that? How do you even know about this? I don’t even know about this?
When I was a freshman one of the counselors took us on a trip to explore jobs for women and I saw that and I really liked it because I like match and numbers and finding out numbers.
What schools have an actuarial science programs?
Ohio State has a really good one, and so does Michigan.