Throughout the season, when it needed leadership and energy, the Ross volleyball team has turned to Jazmin Bulger. The middle hitter has a knack for coming up with important kills, timely blocks and helping her team through tough times with her positive enthusiasm. …Just don’t cut her off in the hallway!

Jazmin Bulger, volleyball
Pet peeve?
When I’m in school, I’ll be walking in the hallway and somebody either stops in front of me or jumps in front of me and walks slower than me. I have a snapchat and I post it on there 24/7. It drives me crazy!
Favorite class in school?
Math. I’ve always been really good at math, I feel like it just clicks with me. It’s complicated sometimes but I feel like somewhere in my head, I just get it, I’m ‘Oh, that’s fun, I understand this.’
You win an all-expenses-paid trip anywhere in the world, where do you go?
Paris. It’s really pretty. And, to be corny, it’s the City of Love.
If you could ask one person any one question, who is it and what do you ask?
Michael Jackson. Why did he want to change, like his whole self? Didn’t he change colors? Didn’t he change his nose or something? I want to know why he’d change himself for somebody else?
What TV show or movie do you refuse to watch?
Harry Potter. I hate Harry Potter. And Star Wars. I just feel like they’re really dumb.
Biggest fear?
I’m really scared of bugs. Spiders more than most but all bugs in general.
What is something you think everyone should do at least once in their lives?
Do something nice for someone else. If you saw someone sitting on the side of the street and you have money, give them some food or something.
What was the most memorable gift you’ve received?
My ex-boyfriend last year got me a brand new phone, because mine was broken. He got me two. I know it sounds bad. It’s a long story.
College plans?
I want to go to college for sonography, to be an ultrasound tech. I’m not sure where I want to go, so far Findlay is my best bet.