(Above, Ashtyn Schneider, right, celebrates her second goal of the game with teammate Ellie Bloom)
FREMONT – Ashtyn Schneider shined under the lights of Don Paul Stadium.
Kicking off the doubleheader of Friday Night Futbol, Schneider scored both goals for the Fremont Ross girls soccer team in a season-opening 2-1 victory over rival Sandusky.
“It was very different,” Schneider said of playing in the football stadium, as opposed to the team’s usual grass field at the high school. “We’re not used to playing at home on turf, but it was definitely a lot of fun. I think the crowd was a big part of this game. It was awesome.”

Ashtyn Schneider
From the game’s early moments, the Lady Giants largely dominated. They controlled the ball and set the pace of play and generated good scoring opportunities before Schneider opened the scoring with 15 minutes remaining in the first half.
Sophomore Jaydn Rozzell sent a centering pass into Schneider who drove between a pair of defenders and put the ball in the net.
“We’ve always known she’s one to have a foot on her and score, so we were trying to find her in that right position,” Ross co-coach Emma Schratt said. “We switched her from all the way on the right to all the way up front where I think she felt more comfortable.”
The Lady Giants’ lead, however, didn’t last long. About seven minutes later Sandusky scored on its first shot of the night, tying the game with 8:37 to play in the half.
Ross, however, wasted little time re-taking the lead in the second half.
Senior Jelena Burns, near midfield, sent a pass behind the Sandusky defense. Schneider ran past the standing-still defender and netted her second of the night.
“It was pretty much all luck, and assists from my other offensive players,” Schneider said. “If I hadn’t gotten those passes, I couldn’t have made those shots.”
Ross fired 23 shots toward the Sandusky goal, forcing its keeper to make nine saves. Ross keeper Sarah Watson was far less busy, facing only six shots and made three saves.
“It wasn’t the most beautiful game, but they did what they had to do, and we came out at the end,” Schratt said.
“We haven’t really seen (the offense) come together that much except for today,” she added. “I am a little surprised we had possession 60, maybe 70, percent of the time. We’re extremely proud of our defensive line. They did a hell of a job back there.”
The Lady Giants (1-0) return to their usual home field Monday at 4:30 as they host Sandusky Perkins.
While pleased with the win, Schratt said the Lady Giants have plenty to work on.
“We need to spread out and talk a little bit more,” she said. “We had too many situations where they were on top of their own teammate and weren’t talking and letting them know where they’re at. You can’t guess what somebody’s going to do, you have to have that communication. That’s something we have to work on.”