With athsma under control, McKela Elder eyes a return to state meet; Zach Edmonds finishes 2nd at Norm Bray
(Above, McKela Elder crosses the finish line third overall in Saturay’s Norm Bray Invitational.) FREMONT – Imagine a football player trying to catch every pass with just one hand. Or a basketball player running the floor with a sprained ankle. Sure, they might...
High expectations for seniors Elder, Edmonds and McClory as Cross Country gets underway
John Elder likes to get the first race out of the way. Which is one reason why the Fremont Ross cross country teams rose early Saturday morning for the long trip to the OHSAA Early Season Invitational, to get the kinks out of their system before hosting this...
Lady Giants win district title and smash program records in the process
FINDLAY – A district championship and a handful of new program records. That’s a pretty good night’s work. The Fremont Ross girls track and field team had a meet for the record books at the Northwest District Division 1 meet at Findlay High School. Not only did the...